[100% Free #Udemy Course] Video Boot Camp: 12 Steps to Make Great #Films and #Videos

What will I learn?

  • Take ANY camera out with confidence and get great films and videos
  • Understand the key principles underlying good shots and good films
  • Know what to avoid when video making to save time, energy and perhaps more
  • Have the results of a series of practical exercises to refer back to
  • Understand which kinds of cameras work well in certain situations and why
  • Know how a camera sees the world, and how to take advantage of it
  • Master techniques to get steady and meaningful shots
  • Know how to string a series of shots together to tell a visual story
  • Get the most out of experiences that are worth filming
  • Use professional filmmaking and video skills for personal enjoyment or client work

Who is this for?

  • Anyone wishing to know more about video and film production
  • Anyone wanting to develop their film and video making skills
  • Anyone who needs or wants to make a film or video
  • Anyone interested in visual storytelling, regardless of medium
  • Anyone interested in video and film, and how it is constructed
  • High level cinematographers will probably find this course too basic
  • Self 'shooters' and even crew members will find this course useful

What are the requirements?

  • You need to have some kind of video-capable camera to take this course - any kind, including smartphones is fine
  • You need to be prepared to do the 12 steps (exercises) in order to get he most out of the course

Course description

This course teaches the essential video and filmmaking skills you need to know in order to shoot great videos and films. All the lectures are based on direct personal professional experience gained over 20 years as a director and self-shooter.
The course is presented as a 'boot camp' - a 12-Step Program that is very action-orientated, with a exercise accompanying every lecture and core topic to complete before moving on to the next one. 
In this way, you are guaranteed to absorb the teaching and hugely improve your films and videos.
The course takes you step by step, including into some territory normally associated with higher end cinematography. 
The main focus, though, is to instil confidence and skills into anyone owning and wishing to use a video-capable camera of any kind - camcorder, smartphone, DSLR or professional video camera.
A key advantage of being in this course is the opportunity to ask Paul Jenkins questions regarding film and video making directly. 
Also, to put up in the course Discussions examples drawn from your work in the course Exercises in order to have it positively critiqued inside the course community and by Paul himself.
By taking this course, you will emerge as a confident and skilled film and video maker. You'll know which shots to take, how to take them, how to control the filming situation to your advantage and...most importantly...have a smile on your face when you, your family and friends, and perhaps clients watch the results of your work