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[Udemy #BlackFriday] How To Prevent Type 2 #Diabetes Without Dieting


About This Course

 Published 6/2015  English

Course Description

“I enjoyed Teresa’s course on Reversing Pre-diabetes and liked how it touched on the subject holistically. She covers many strategies for dealing with cravings. She also gives many practical strategies for keeping your blood sugar steady throughout the day.”  Jared D.
If you want to lose 5-10% of your weight without going on some crazy fad diet, sign up today!
You'll choose your FAVORITE healthy foods to create balanced meals,  You'll stop eating high glycemic foods that put on the pounds and send your blood sugar to the moon!
  You'll discover which foods are so saturated with deadly pesticides that you'll RUN to the stores that serve organic food. You'll discover how much exercise is required to lose weight and balance your blood sugar, as well as the best type of exercise to raise your metabolism.
For those who want to prevent Type 2 Diabetes, (or have already been diagnosed with Pre-diabetes), you'll discover which stage of Pre-Diabetes you may be in, and how to move your blood sugar back into the healthy zone.
Because so many of you may be STRESS EATERS, I've thrown in some Guided Meditations and encouraging thoughts between the lessons.
Your key to success in this program is to FOLLOW THROUGH with the assignments, which are in the resource section. A second key to success is by getting a family member or friend to take the course along with you. together! You're more likely to stay the course. Have a weight loss buddy!
Enroll today!  To your health!
 Udemy's 30 day money back guarantee.

What are the requirements?

  • To lose weight, you simply need motivation and the willingness to follow through. Are you a self-starter? Some people have more success when they enlist a buddy to take the course with them. If that sounds like you, find a friend or family member to join you. If you’re taking the course because you have blood sugar issues, I encourage you to follow through with the recommended blood tests to find out where you stand in terms of your Diabetes risk. Doing this will make the course more meaningful and increase your enjoyment! Last but not least, if you don't belong to a gym, you'll need some light weights for your at-home workouts..

What am I going to get from this course?

  • By using the skills you’ll learn in this course, you’ll be able to:
  • conquer your stress eating
  • ramp up your metabolism
  • create balanced meals
  • feel more energetic
  • have more self confidence due to your improved body image
  • lose from 5-7% of your body weight
  • lower your blood sugar levels

What is the target audience?

  • This course is recommended for those of you who want to lose between 5-7% of your body weight, those with blood sugar issues, or those simply wanting to prevent chronic disease.
  • It's not recommended for those who have serious health issues.