[Udemy #BlackFriday] Introduction to #Data_Science


About This Course

 Published 11/2016  English

Course Description

Welcome to this course on Data Science. Demand for data science talent is exploding. Develop your career as a data scientist, as you explore essential skills and principles. 
This course covers the necessary tools and concepts used in the data science industry, including machine learning, statistical inference, working with data at scale and much more. 
First, we'll start by showing you the entire process for data science projects and the different roles and skills that are needed. Then you'll learn the basics of obtaining data through a variety of sources, including web APIs and page scraping. We'll show you how to use tools like R, Python, the command line, and even spreadsheets to explore and manipulate data.
We'll also take a look at powerful techniques for analyzing data. We'll be covering a variety of techniques for planning, performing, and presenting your projects to help you get started in data science and making the most of the data that's all around you. 

What are the requirements?

  • basic understanding of R programming language

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Programming with R, Python, and SQL
  • Understand roles and careers in data science
  • Sourc
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