About This Course
Published 11/2016 English
Course Description
People are not perfect. Yet we play this role that we are. We want everyone to think that we are completely amazing living our lives to the fullest. We have amazing relationships with everyone and if not it's their fault. But we all know that is not true. We have bad feelings. Not only about ourselves but also towards people we love! And we don't like these feelings! We feel terrible. We feel terrible that we are unhappy that our dear friend or sibling is successful. You want to be happy for them but there is that site of you that says: I don't want you to be successful!.
Why do you feel this and how to process it AND how to get rid of it you will find in this course.
The same with relationships or dating. Are you fighting over stuff that doesn't make sense? Like missed dinners, money, dishes, female/male friends - fights with no end nor reasonable solution. This course will teach you exactly how to "fight" the tantra way in order to always get to the real core of the problem. This course will teach you to accept your partner, listen to your partner, fight with your partner and any person in your life so it always results in a good bonding experience and solution.
You will learn how to get to know yourself and everything that is happening in you. You will get self aware on every possible level. You will be able to identify all the triggers that makes your angry or sad. No one will ever put you down. You will reconnect with your body, get to know your chakras and how to breathe properly to make the body more sensitive towards everything including touch and love making.
You will learn how to perceive love so you can yourself create this feeling. How to love unconditionally your partner and friends with all the flaws you may see and which may annoy you. Especially you will learn how to love in the Present moment which will make a huge difference with all the vibes and signals coming from your body. Your every touch will become electrical because it will be filled with present love.
You will simply reach your potential and people will love being around you. You will become that one person you always wanted to be - perfect you.
Stay Tantrealistic
What are the requirements?
- You need to commit to go deep
What am I going to get from this course?
- Get self aware
- Analyse triggers inside of you
- Know the main cause of these triggers
- Know how to work with the main problem so it doesn't bother you anymore
- Know therapies that can be done to identify inner pains and blocks
- Express yourself fully exactly how you feel
- Solve every fight in a healthy way finding the right solution and the right cause of every fight
- Distinguish between superficial reasons of fights and real reasons
- Love unconditionally everyone, accepting how they are
- Love yourself !!!
- Love in the present moment
- Get the body more sensitive
- Realise chakras, know important things about yoga and breathing and how is it connected to Tantra
- Realise your own body, get connected with every inch of it
- Never take personally what people say about you - become an audience just watching the scene
- Understand how people react how they behave and why
- Understand the processes that drive us to do certain things (even bad things)
- Become kind of a therapist and psychic in predicting peoples actions
- See through masks and roles of people around you
- Be yourself in every situation, confident and just happy in your own skin
- Get the Tantric touch
What is the target audience?
- Anyone feeling not enough
- feeling lost, not happy with who they are
- confused with feelings of sudden anger or sadness
- getting triggered by other people and their comments/actions
- having dark thoughts towards friends/family/lovers and being ashamed of them
- wanting to know what's happening inside of them, why they have certain feelings
- people not happy in relationships - not knowing how to solve fights, accept the partner, lacking communication
- people not confident, not happy and in peace with who they are
- people who want to know more about spiritual Tantra, chakras, yoga, meditation and therapies
- people who want to find inner peace and purpose
- people who want to get connected with themselves and their possible sexual partners
- people having troubles opening up to love
- ANYONE who wants to work on themselves
About Mustapha
I am online instructor at Udemy. My passions are: Mobile and Web Development, Entrepreneurship and Management. You can read my full biography on My Udemy Page. Feel free to follow me social media to know more about me and the topics and courses I'm teaching.