[#Udemy 100% Off] Interaction Design Specialist For #Web_Developers


About This Course

 Published 7/2016  English

Course Description

The overall goal of this Interaction Design Specialist for Web Developers course is to help you design better products, services, processes, strategies, spaces, architecture, and experiences. Design Thinking helps you develop practical and innovative solutions for your problems.
The Interaction Design approach has rapidly been adopted by some of the world's leading brands, such as Apple, Google, Samsung, and GE and the approach is being taught at leading universities around the world, including Stanford and Harvard.
Interaction Design is a human-focused, prototype-driven process for innovation. In this course you will develop a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts of Interaction Design and you will learn how to implement your new found knowledge in your professional work life.

The Benefits - You will learn:

  • The fundamental concepts of Interaction Design
  • Why you should use Design Thinking and why it is more effective than traditional business methods when the goal is innovation and great design in a business environment.
  • Practical Interaction Design methods and tools such as Wire Frame that will empower you to apply Interaction Design at work.
  • Ethnographic and analysis methods, which differ from classical market research, such as focus groups and surveys.
  • By working through a complete innovation project.
  • How to initiate a new working culture based on a user-centric approach, empathy, and playful testing. A great deal of design still takes a top-down approach; specified, or determined in ways that do not involve iterative engagement with clients, customers, or end-users.
  • Early and fast prototyping as well as testing methods that will help you reduce risks and accelerate organizational learning. This is especially important if you are responsible for the introduction of new products and services.

Recommended Background

Interaction Design is an approach that can be applied by anyone who is interested in improving - or inventing - a given product, service, experience, or strategy.
However, this beginner course is specifically designed for Web developers and programmers in mind. Anyone who uses HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap 4 framework, Java, PHP, JavaScript, Nodejs, and other programming languages to create Web Sites - then this course is for you!
You can also take this course if you are:
  • UX designers, web designers, Industrial designers, service designers, exhibit designers, visual communication designers, and architects.
  • Engineers.
  • Marketing professionals.
  • Executives and senior business leaders.
  • Decision makers in R&D of products, services, systems, and experiences.

What are the requirements?

  • You need to be tech savvy
  • You need a stable internet connection
  • You should have created Web Site in WordPress or from scratch, and have basic understanding of Web Site design, HTML, and CSS

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Understand the fundamentals of Interaction Design
  • Think like a Designer
  • Create Wire Frames before creating Web Sites
  • Learn the principles of Interaction Desgin

What is the target audience?

  • This Interaction Design Specialist course is designed for Web Developers and Programmers
  • Any person who create Web Sites using WordPress can benefit from this course
  • This course is also beneficial to individuals who use Java, Javascript, PHP, Bootstrap4, and other programming languages
  • If you know CSS and HTML and need to gain additional skills, then this course is for you
  • This course is not for individuals who are new to the computing industry
  • You must have some prior knowledge of creating basic Web Sites
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