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[Udemy #BlackFriday] Increase sales through great #customer_service skills


About This Course

 Published 11/2016  English

Course Description

If you want to have a fantastic long term relationship with your customer then this course is a must for you and your staff.
It doesn't contain hours of needless video content but everything you and your team need to know to build a trusted and sustained relationship with customers from improving your listening skills to questioning techniques that enable you to get to the heart of the issue as quickly as possible.  I will show you how to build empathy (not sympathy) with your customers and provide you with tools and techniques for dealing with challenging customers.  
The course contains many downloadable tools and templates that you can use to support you in delivering exceptional customer service resulting in increased sales and long term relationships.

What are the requirements?

  • Willingness to learn

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Interact with customers using best practise techniques and skills to have fantastic engagement and customer service skills

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone who has to deal with customers; either face to face or via the phone