[Udemy #BlackFriday] #MongoDB For Java Developers - Project Based


About This Course

 Published 9/2016  English

Course Description

MongoDB for Java Developers - Project Based
*** Course last updated 24 Oct 2016 (Lecture 35 )
MonogDB is one of the most popular NoSQL database and Java is the most used, popular and reliable programming and when both used together they compliment each other to provide unbeatable performance and speed.
We will start with basics of MongoDB and then we go on learning advance concepts to build MongoDB based Java Applications using MongoDB drivers for Java. We will also use Maven as the build tool.
In this course, we start by learning basic concepts of MongoDB, MongoDB installation process on different operating systems, creating databases, Collections, CRUD operations using Java and at last we be will building a Web Application using Java/J2EE and MongoDB which includes user creation, editing/upating user, deleting users etc.
You can use the exercise files attached along this course to practice and follow along the each section/chapter. There will be short quizzes after each section to test our understanding and also to revise the concepts.
At the end of this course you will be mastering MongoDB based application development in Java/J2EE.

What are the requirements?

  • Nothing about MongoDB, we will start for scratch.
  • You should already be familiar with Basic Java Programming.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Mastering MongoDB based application development using Java/J2EE programming
  • Build Web Apps using MongoDB & Java/J2EE
  • Best Practices of Java/J2EE Project development
  • Able to get started with MongoDB & Java/J2EE Projects with ease
  • Develop Strong Understanding of MongoDB & Java/J2EE

What is the target audience?

  • Java Developers who want to learn and develop MongoDB based applications.
  • Web Developers, DBAs with basic understanding of Java
  • This course is not for those who don't know basic of Java Programming.

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