[#Udemy 100% Off] #Forex Basics (Professional Course Level)


About This Course

 Published 12/2014  English

Course Description

This course is about Forex Basics.
This course will have far reach to any one who is interested in knowing about International Finance and the related Forex Transactions.
Every business, which has cross border transactions, are exposed to risks and volatilities of International Finance. The cross border transactions can be in the form of Sales, Purchases, Investments, Loans, Advances, etc.
Hence, it becomes crucial for every business owner, every Finance Manager to have knowledge in International Finance.
The advent of "Floating Exchange Trade" in 1970s has brought significant changes in the International Market and had made the foreign exchange markets more volatile and riskier. Hence, one should have sound knowledge on the fundamentals of the Foreign Exchange Market and this course teaches you that.
In this course, you would be learning
a) What is Domestic Currency?
b) What is Foreign Currency?
c) What is Exchange Rate?
d) What is Direct Quote?
e) What is Indirect Quote?
f) What is the link between Direct Quote and Indirect Quote?
g) What is Foreign Exchange Market?
h) What is American Term and European Term?
I) What is Bid?
j) What is Ask?
k) What is Spread?
l) How to convert two way quotes?
m) What is Cross Rate?
n) What is Forward Rate?
o) What is Appreciation and Depreciation of Currency?
p) How to compute Appreciation and Depreciation of Currency?
q) What are swap points?
This course is presented in simple language with examples.
This course has video lectures (with writings on Black / Green Board). You would feel you are attending a real class.
This course is structured in self paced learning style. You would require good internet connection for interruption free learning process.
You have to go through the videos leisurely to grab the concepts with clarity.
Take this course to gain strong hold on the Fundamentals of International Finance.

What are the requirements?

  • This course starts from scratch. Hence, no prior knowledge is requried
  • Students can approach this course with fresh mind.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Understand Basics of International Finance
  • Understand Quotes used in Forex Transactions
  • Understand American Term and European Term
  • Understand Bid, Ask, Spread
  • Understand Forward Rate
  • Understand Appreciation and Depreciation of Rates
  • Understand Forward Rate, Premium and Discount

What is the target audience?

  • Any one who is interested in knowing about International Finance
  • Finance Students like CA, CS, CMA, CPA, CFA, CIMA, etc
  • MBA Finance Students
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Finance Managers
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