[#Udemy Free] StudiGuide 3: Community #Policing in California


What Will I Learn?
At the end of this StudiGuide course, students will be able to understand the California Criminal Justice System.
Students will be able to understand the basic concepts of Community Policing in California
Students will, after careful study and review of this course, will be able to have a better understanding for the testing and passing of the State of California’s Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training (POST) basic police academy written examination.
  • Students should have a copy of the state of California’s Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training (POST) workbook and review it prior to starting a StudiGuide course.
This StudiGuide course provides a practice review-testing resource for police academy cadets (based on the state of California’s Commission on Peace Officer Standard and Training 'POST' requirements) to help understand and pass the POST written examinations.
After review and study of this StudiGuide, you will be able to DEFINE throughout this course the following:
  • a problem solving strategy
  • communication
  • community mobilization
  • community partnerships
  • community policing
  • crime prevention
  • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
  • facilitation
  • homeland security
  • problem solving
  • the term “problem”
You will be able to IDENTIFY the following:
  • benefits of integrating community mobilization and homeland security
  • community policing goals
  • components that comprise communities
  • crime prevention strategies
  • elements of area/beat knowledge
  • elements of the crime triangle
  • essential components of community policing
  • essential partnering skills
  • methods for recognizing crime problems
  • peace officer responsibilities in the community
  • principles of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)
  • resources which provide opportunities to educate and learn from the community
You will be able to DIFFERENTIATE between PROACTIVE and REACTIVE policing
You will be able to RECOGNIZE the following:
  • components of a message in communications with others
  • peace officer’s role in influencing community attitudes
  • peace officers’ responsibilities to enforce the law
  • potential effects of negative nonverbal signals
You will be able to DISTINGUISH BETWEEN Problem Oriented Policing (POP) and Community Policing (CP)
Who is the target audience?
  • Students who want to maximize their study time while attending a police academy in the state of California.
  • Students who want a clearer understanding of the material they will be tested on while attending a police academy.
  • Our StudiGuides are an eLearning experience that short-cuts the normal "study groups" at home with the fundamental, straight forward, no-nonsense knowledge required, in a practical setting; your home, vehicle or other study place.
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