[#Udemy Free] Introduction to #Sport_Psychology for Beginners

What Will I Learn?
Learn how to apply sport psychological principles to performance
Understand key sport psychology theories
Understand how theory relates to real life athlete experiences
  • You should have a very basic understanding of sport psychology theories
This course is an introduction to sport psychology for beginners. The course has been developed for those who wish to learn more about the field of sport psychology and how it is applied to real life sport. The course is for beginners who want to learn the basics about sports psychology. It is a great course for those who want to expand their knowledge within the field of sports psychology. The course has been developed specifically for coaches, students and teachers. The course is over 7 hours long and is presented via powerpoint and audio. We recommend you complete the course over several weeks which will allow you take in all of the information. The course also includes PDF question booklets to test your knowledge on each of the modules. The modules included within this course are:
  1. Aggression
  2. Arousal and Anxiety
  3. Concentration
  4. Group Cohesion
  5. Confidence
  6. What is Sports Psychology?
  7. Leadership
  8. Imagery
  9. Motivation
  10. Personality
  11. Pre Performance Routines
  12. Goal Setting
By taking this course you will improve your understanding of the basic principles and theories of sport psychology. Not only will this course help you as a coach or student but it will also allow you to learn how some simple principles apply to the real sport environment.
Who is the target audience?
  • Coaches who want to improve their understanding of sports psychology
  • Coaches who want to learn more about key sport psychology theories
  • Students studying Sports Psychology modules at college level
  • Teachers who teach Sports Psychology modules at college level (16 to 18yrs old)
  • This course is not for athletes

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