[#Udemy 100% Off] Beginner's guide to #Word_Problems


What Will I Learn?
Approach word problems confidently and efficiently to get better achievements in less time and efforts
Reason and communicate ideas and solutions with friends and teachers
Get to know the exact strengths and weaknesses in math and be able to improve them.
Find enjoyment in mathematics and problem solving
View Curriculum
  • Know how to solve a system of equations
Confused from word problems ? Don't know where to start ? you are in the right place !
If you are a student, you probably learn about word problems during your studies.
However, solving word problems is more than just another topic you learn in mid-school.
In fact, it is considered Basic Skill required to success in almost any topic you learn.
This is the reason to the great impact it has getting this skill under your belt!
Solving word problems involves more than developing and solving equations.
It is mainly a PROCESS that includes analysis and decomposition activities.
What you currently know as a “Solution” is only the final step in a process meant to break down the situation in the problem into simpler, more manageable pieces, before starting to develop equations.
2- What’s this course about ?
In this course, we will learn the how to execute the steps in the process of solving a word problem and show how to implement them on several kinds of problems, such as Age problems and Interest problems.
3- Structure of the course
In the first part of this course, we’ll get an understanding of the entire process.
In this part, besides teaching the theory, we will do some exercises in increasing level of difficulty using the process.
This part includes walkthrough exercises and quizzes to help you get the knowledge into practice and increase your level of confidence using the process.
In the second part of the course, we will learn to apply the process to specific types of problems such as Age problems, Work problems and Interest problems. The purpose of this part is to demonstrate the flexibility of the process and how it can be applied to any kind of word problems.
This course is focused on the process. As such, it requires an only minimal understanding of math concepts and knowledge in solving a system of equations. For that, it can be understood almost by any student.
4- Who should take this course?
Mid school Students: This category of students can benefit the most from the course by developing critical thinking skills in an early stage of their studies. However, these students group may need an assistant from a parent or teacher, and be motivated to study this material so early.
High School Students: This category of students can learn and apply the material on many areas of study: Algebra, Statistics, and physics. In addition, the level of the material and exercises can be understood and handled easily at these classes.
College Students: It is highly recommended for a college student who wants to be able to handle complexity, save time and gain confidence in exams. In addition, the systematic approach presented in the course can be found very useful in solving actual problems as graduates in practical work.
5- What’s inside?
  • Clear and focused lessons.
  • High Quality audio and video.
  • Detailed solved examples.
  • Practice problems and Walkthroughs
  • Printable material
  • Clear and friendly tutor.
  • Q&A section to clarify any question and doubt
In addition, you have a full lifetime access on mobile and TV, certificate of completion and finally, a 30-day money back guarantee.
6- See you inside !
Tell you honestly, I wish I had taken a course like this one early when I was a student!
Don’t waste your time anymore, click on the “Buy Now” button and start a new way of learning and accomplish incredible achievements, you'll be amazed how your life going to change ! Can’t wait to see you inside
Who is the target audience?
  • Students who encountered difficulties in solving word problems
  • Students with good achievements in math who want to achieve even better results in less efforts
  • Students who want to increase their confidence in math and science and be prepared to high school or college
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