[#Udemy 90% Off] #Computational_Thinking In Python


What Will I Learn?
Students will become fluent in APPLYING the core concepts: loops, flow control and functions
Students will be more efficient and confident with solving difficult problems
Students will become fluent in various Python data types: Strings, Lists and Dictionaries
Students will learn how to factorise numbers and discover prime numbers
Students will optimise programs for lower processing time
Students will write functions to generate images/art in the IDLE text interfaces
Students will learn how LOGO / Turtle works and generates images
Students will write functions to generate polygons of various shapes and dimensions
Students will write fruitful functions that use random numbers to generate realistic graphical backdrops: Stars and Clouds
Students will perform text analysis and write programs that check syntax
Students will learn to load text files into programs and rank all words in the text file by popularity
Students learn about recursion from mathematical and graphical examples
Students use recursion to generate spirals similar to those that occur in nature
Students user recursion to generate Koch fractals and Koch Snowflakes
  • Students should have a Windows PC, a Mac or a Linux Computer
  • Students should have a basic understanding of Algebra (Yr 8 level)
  • Students should install the latest version of Python 3
  • Ideally students have some previous programming experience (any language)
What is Python and why is it important?
Python is an interpreted text based general purpose programming language, which has a wonderfully simplified syntax, dynamic typing and an awesome open source community constanly creating more and more amazing libraries and modules. This makes python an awesome tool for someone just getting into proramming as well as someone with serious ambitions in fields like data analysis web development or the Internet of Things. 
What is special about this course?
Quite simply this is the ultimate second programming course for the everyman!. The approach taken demonstrates some theoretical concepts and then asks the student to solve an open ended problem. Much like lifting heavy weights tends to make your muscles bigger, solving hard problems improves your thinking!! Perhaps more importantly these types of problems prompt creativity and create original solutions. Completing this course with an understanding of multiple solutions for each problem will endow the student with a conceptual mastery of Python and thus prepare them to use Python and a professional setting and create real world applications!!
Who is the target audience?
  • Everyone who knows any programming and loves puzzles and problem solving
  • Beginner programmers looking get more creative and tackle open ended problems
  • High School Students, taking on their second programming course.
  • Computer professionals looking to get on Python in a real fun way.
  • Teachers / Tutors looking to find an ideal learning sequence to teach Python programming

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