[#Udemy Free] #Algebra-Ellipses


About This Course

 Published 1/2017  English

Course Description

You will study the ellipse in this class.  You will see the algebraic and arithmetic tricks that stump students when it comes to the equations of ellipses.  In particular, you will see how to handle coefficient numerators and equations that are not arranged in the right order.  You will study the basic vocabulary that goes with the ellipse.  In particular, you will study foci, vertices, and co-vertices.  You will see what information the foci reveal about the ellipse and the relationship between the foci, vertices, and co-vertices.  You will see how all ellipses can be translated back to ellipses centered at the origin in order to examine their properties.  You will see how to convert a random equation of an ellipse into a standard equation of an ellipse.  

What are the requirements?

  • Fractions and decimals
  • Order of operations
  • Complete the square
  • Distributive property (FOIL)

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Walk into trig or calculus with a better background
  • Breeze through ellipse questions that appear on math exams
  • Have a deeper appreciation of the ellipse when he or she sees them in advanced math classes
  • Appreciate the beauty of the ellipse

Who is the target audience?

  • Students who want to know more about the ellipse
  • Students who want to see some important topics that are not well covered in school
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