[#Udemy 100% Off] Dream #Job Lifeline - Preview.. Get Known, Get Working


About This Course

 Published 11/2014  English

Course Description

Dream Job Life – Preview
For 28 years, I have helped thousands of professionals from all levels make profitable career transitions and create prosperous new businesses.
This “Preview” Course is actually a “mini course” which includes the first five lectures of our full course…and stands on its own, providing immense value.
Learn Rules you need to Start Breaking! Rules which were ingrained from Childhood Experience and how these rules have shaped you…and limit you in your connect-ability with others.
Just get laid off? Needing to go back to work after years at home or dealing with a family situation? Want to start your own business but don’t know where to start? Never waste the opportunity of a good crisis! I will walk you through the “Trough of Transition.” The “Trough of Transition” is something we all go through when change occurs whether it is a career or personal change – understanding what is happening and how to get to the next step.
This “Preview” offers valuable information to start you on your journey.
The principles taught in this course have been used for innovative job search, creative sales expansion, and inspired business development by hundreds of people.
Again, this Preview is immensely valuable on its own, and if you are ready to take the next step toward landing your dream job and ensuring a future of job security by your own design, we invite you to enroll into the full course upon which this preview is based, entitled:
Dream Job Lifeline: Get Known, Get Offers, Get Working
How to Walk Through the Backdoor Into Your Dream Job Life

What are the requirements?

  • A willingness to explore your passions and to make connections with those people who will lead to opportunities.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Change the way you look for work.
  • Get outside old patterns that limit your possibilities.
  • Find the opportunity to do work you really want.
  • Learn Lifetime Career Management.
  • You'll learn how to get in the door to get hired in any field -- even in something you've never done before.
  • You'll learn the secrets of hidden, stealth networking to land the sweetheart jobs that are never advertised.
  • Learn how to find and utilize your network contacts.
  • In a job search, find reasons to meet people other than your need for a job.
  • You'll get a job faster doing what you REALLY want to do.
  • You'll learn how to get working 3-4 times faster than when putting in applications.
  • You'll turn the whole concept of interviewing for jobs upside down, being the one in control of targeting who you want to meet, setting them up, and even conducting those interviews yourself.
  • Fun and connection of networking vs. isolated online searching.

Who is the target audience?

  • Whether you want a new job, want to build your client base or start your own business, effective relationship building is required… and getting in by “stealth” means is the basis for uncovering the best opportunities.
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