What Will I Learn?
Do everything literally SO much faster
Increase their output by ten times
- They need to have an interest in productivity
- You should be an owner of a Macbook Pro
Hi there,
Thanks for taking some time to look at my Udemy course on Productivity :)
My name's Deepak. And sure as hell I'm more productive than you. And even if I'm not (which I am) - you're going to learn about a sh*t ton of new tools on this course.
Whatever you're trying to achieve with your business and life goals - do you agree that being more productive would help with you with that?
Do you think if you could get things done faster it would help you:
- Get to the business of actually working on your business more effectively?
- You would have more time to spend with your Uncle Tom, Wife Sally or Pet Sam?
- To get to that pizza planned Wednesday night after work?
That life would be just...better? If you were more productive?
What about...recording your screen? Keyboard shortcuts? Managing your desktop applications. Recording Screencasts. Creating Courses Like This One? Finding efficiencies that you didn't even know existed.
I'm not someone who has just taken everyone else's courses. I also practice what I preach when it comes to productivity. and getting things done
- 20x marathons in 15 different countries before I turned 30
- 50+ countries travelled
- 9 countries lived in
- 1.1k Quora answers written
- Udemy Course Instructor with 5k+ Clients and 10 courses
If you want to become a productive powerhouse this is why I've built this course - as it all starts here.
Who is the target audience?
- This course is for anyone who wants to be more productive
- Anyone who feels they are not efficient enough
- Anyone who is already efficient but wants to be even more efficient
About Mustapha
I am online instructor at Udemy. My passions are: Mobile and Web Development, Entrepreneurship and Management. You can read my full biography on My Udemy Page. Feel free to follow me social media to know more about me and the topics and courses I'm teaching.