[#Udemy 100% Off] Learn #Anger_Management-Taming a powerful emotion

What Will I Learn?
What Anger is and how it works
What is the lead causes of anger and how to spot and reduce them from the very beginning
You will learn costs and benefits of anger
You will learn anger management tools that you need to adopt in your daily lifestyle to get desired results
At the end you will also get some shortcuts trips and tricks to control your anger at very short notice and prevent the chances of immediate outbursts
  • No prior knowledge is expected or necessary ,as all aspects of anger management is covered from very basic.
  • As course is about emotional intelligence so you need to apply the concepts in your lifestyle
  • To master your emotion you need to practice through the concepts. It require time and patience
  • Effectiveness of the course will not come through merely listening to the lectures. You need to apply in your lifestyle apart from listening the lecture. Results will come gradually
If you prefer to look promo video then you will have insight that what is course all about? How you will go through all the steps that you need to know in order to tame your most powerful emotion-anger.
If you are professional person and your anger is playing a big negative part in your life, then let me tell you there is no such magical pill that you can have and get rid of your anger overnight, instead you just need to understand the very basic root of anger, what is underlying your anger, what is the problem you facing, what are the situations that you are not able to deal with and resulting in frustration and then lead to anger outburst, then you need to pinpoint those problems and situations in your regular lifestyle, then slowly and gradually need to develop the habit to counteract of those habits, because its somewhat in your habit now that you are getting frustrated and angry with various set of situations.
So this course is all about step to step management approach where you will learn anger from the very basics and various different types of anger. You will go through the causes of anger which is the root of your anger. You will learn the anger physiological and psychological cycle, how it working inside you. You will learn to spot your anger at the very nascent stage so that your tools can be applied pretty much effectively if you are willing to do so. 
Apart from those you will go through the three methods of coping with your anger, Anger suppression techniques, Anger Release techniques and last but not the least Anger calming techniques to get rid of it completely. If you practice it apply the tools and techniques discussed in this course then you will definitely will be able to have complete control over your powerful emotion. This is somewhat taking control over your mind so that it can not interpret things in negative manner. 
You will also go through the some shortcuts tips and tricks to cope with your anger so that it can help you out to prevent from immediate outburst.
Vinay Singh
Scoolage Academy 
Who is the target audience?
  • This course for everyone who is not able to control his anger emotion
  • Any person who's mind is not taking instructions from him and prone to react aggressively
  • Any one who is facing some serious problems due to bad temper behavior, either emotionally or physically
  • If you looking for how to manage your hot red thoughts, and willing to live with calm and peaceful mind
  • If you are willing to put in your time and efforts to stop the damage being done by your anger

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