[#Udemy 89% Off] Learn #SAP_Lumira - Master Guide [Full Track]

What Will I Learn?
Connect to different types of data sources (external, Database, Big Data, SAP Hana and SAP Universe)
Prepare data by doing some simple transformation / data actions
Visualize information using different type of charts
Create amazing and informative stories
Share information with other users in your organizations
  • Preferred if they have minimum understanding for what Business Intelligence is?
In this course you will learn how to use SAP Lumira as a modern BI tool to create outstanding visualization. We will start with an introduction section on how to download and install SAP Lumira then how to get the data set that we are going to use through this course. Then we will focus on how to create a data connection in the 2nd section. We will explain different types of available data connection. after that we will go deep in how to prepare your data before visualizing it. then we will learn how to visualize information using SAP Lumira, creating amazing stories and finally how to share them.
Who is the target audience?
  • All students are welcomes.
  • Business users who want to learn self-service
  • Technical people.
  • Data scientists
  • Business Analysis

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