Attention: Lectures are being added and more lectures will be added up to 31st March 2017
Welcome to this course Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations (Part I)
This course would enable aspirants to approach Quantitative Aptitude paper confidently for competitive examinations like Bank Probationary Officers Exam, State Bank of India Probationary Officers Exam, IBPS Exams, RBI, MBA, MAT, CAT, IGNOU, Hotel Management, SI of Police, CBI, Railway Recruitment, etc.
This course will cover practical problems on topics covering
•Profit & Loss
•Simple Interest
•Compound Interest
•Stocks & Shares
•Banker’s Discount
•Time & Distance
•Volume & Surface Areas
Each and every problems are discussed with suitable explanation.
This course has been structured in self paced learning style.
Good internet connection with PC / Laptop / Mobile / Tablet with headset would make learning experience a memorable one. Students are advised to simultaneously work out the problems discussed in the course along with instructor as practice only would make you perfect.
Once again, welcome to this course.
Who is the target audience?
- Bank Probationary Officer Exam Students
- State Bank of India Probationary Officer Exam Students
- RBI Exam
- Hotel Management
- Railway Recruitment Board Exams
What Will I Learn?
approach competitive exams confidently
solve problems on Profit and Loss
solve problems on Partnership
solve problems on Simple Interest
solve problems on Compound Interest
solve problems on Stocks and Shares
solve problems on Banker's Discount
solve problems on Probability
solve problems on Average
solve problems on Time and Distance
solve problems on Volume and Surface areas
- Basics of Mathematics

About Mustapha
I am online instructor at Udemy. My passions are: Mobile and Web Development, Entrepreneurship and Management. You can read my full biography on My Udemy Page. Feel free to follow me social media to know more about me and the topics and courses I'm teaching.