[#Udemy 100% Off] Double Your #Growth WIth Trigger Event Selling


About This Course

 Published 4/2016  English

Course Description

There is a silver bullet in sales – reaching highly motivated decision makers at exactly the right time: after they experience a ‘Trigger Event’ AND before they call your competition
When you have the right timing the sale almost happens by itself—There are few challenges getting to the prospect, understanding their dissatisfaction, presenting a solution, or closing the sale. 
By luck or sheer numbers you’ve had timing happen before. This course will show you how to make it happen again, again, and again.

What are the requirements?

  • Willingness to learn
  • Understand that sales is never about being lucky
  • Success comes through knowledge of self, customer, product/service & skill

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Improve your Sales Rates
  • Improve your Sales Cycles
  • Improve your outbound sales through your inbound marketing

Who is the target audience?

  • Sales Professionals that want to improve their effectiveness
  • Business owners that need to improve their bottom line
  • Start ups that need to get cashflow started through sales
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