[#Udemy 100% Off] #Dating Advice For Lovable Nerds: Escaping The Friend Zone


About This Course

 Published 10/2016  English

Course Description

Level up from being a lovable nerd, who's afraid of being rejected by women, to a funny, self-confident, attractive, witty man. 
You will be able to keep a conversation going and spark a woman's romantic interest. What you do from there is up to you.
(Heads-Up: Take this course only if you really want that special woman you like feel viscerally ATTRACTED to YOU).
The course is intended to teach smart men how to
have conversations that generate attraction with women
develop an authentic, genuine, fulfilling connection with a woman
have fun, positive interactions with the women they like
leave the friend zone or avoid entering the friend zone
Wondering if you should you take this course?
Well, answer the questions below.
Are most of your dates emotionally flat and seem to go nowhere?
Would you love to have a girfriend, but every girl you date puts you in the friend zone?
The women you fall in love with always seem to pick someone who is usually a jerk who mistreats them, instead of choosing YOU (a true gentleman, who pays for their meals and drinks)?
If you answered yes to any of the question above, then allow me to tell you about a new language you might want to learn.
It's the kind of language that women really respond to emotionally.
And no, you do not have to become a jerk to speak it.
You do not have to put on your pick-up persona and behave like someone you're not.
But you will be developing your personality traits that naturally attract the kind of women you like.
Looking for a quickfix?
This course is NOT A QUICKFIX for your troubles with the ladies.
To become more successful when dating women, you need to take a journey that will teach you a new perspective.
The only way to prove to yourself that yes, you can be succesful with women is to apply immediately what you learned from this course. 
There is no way around it. No way, Jose!
Only by learning, applying and internalizing the techniques and ideas from thist course, you will start seeing results
You will start attracting and dating the type of woman you like. 
And you will keep her attracted to you (without tricks).
Some of the ideas and methods will be counter-intuitive at times.
But give them a chance, because I will explain them to you, with tons of examples and extra details.
Why I Am Qualified To Help You
Over ten years ago, I was just like you. 
A logical guy, who loved to do very smart things all day long (computer programming).
I was quite good at it. 
But my dating and love life was a true wasteland.
Once in a while, there'd be a girl I secretely liked. 
The more I liked a girl, the nicer I was to her.
I never wanted to upset her.
I quickly became her friend, trying to always be around her one way or another.
If she needed help to fix her computer, I quickly showed up and helped her.
In case she needed a true friend, I was there for her.
She usually complained to me about some other guy she was in love with. 
And I was standing there, slowly dying on the inside because she didn't see that I was the right choice for her (at least in my mind).
I was a true friend, but I never became her lover.
In my early 20s, girls liked me a lot! 
But not in the way I wanted.
They liked me as a friend. I was the best friend a girl could have!
Nice, kind, trustworthy and sympathetic.
And this was my kryptonite.
Because I was stuck in the Friend Zone. 
If I ever dared to show the slightest romantic interest in a girl who was my friend, she freaked out. 
And she started a long talk, explaining how and why she saw me only as a friend. 
She assured me that I was a good guy, a good person.
And that there's a girl somewhere out there, just for me. 
And I would meet her some day, if I was patient enough.
She quickly put me back to my place. Back into the "just friends" box.
She soon started avoiding me not to hurt my feelings.
She stopped answering my calls.
My fear of losing her had come true. 
I played it safe, I played it nice, but it still happened. 
The girl of my dreams was out of my life.
After going several times through the same type of experience with different girls, I decided I had enough of this.
I threw in the towel. 
And began my personal journey.
I was desperate to find out what was I doing wrong.
Why were the women I dated not interested in me as a lover?
What was my #1 mistake that caused my (non-existent) romantic life?
I was hard pressed to find out, once and for all.
How could I turn it all around and actually become a woman's #1 choice for her love life?
Instead of being her BFF (best friends forever).
It took me a while to figure it out, but I did find out what I was looking for.
When it dawned on me, my jaw dropped.
A woman becomes attracted to a man when he speaks in a very special language. When she hears that language:
she feels illogical and unstoppable attraction towards him
the actual words he's speaking don't actually matter
That language of attraction is so well hidden and so counter-intuitive.
And it's almost impossible for you to discover it on your own unless you know what to look for.
A woman becomes attracted to you when you make her FEEL a certain way.
Upon my personal journey, I had found great dating mentors and learned a lot from them.
Bottom line is if you want a woman to become your lover, you must speak the language that sparks her attraction.
But when you do, you must be:
No gimmicks. No manipulation. No shenanigans.
When you speak that language correctly, the woman you like will unapologetically FEEL ATTRACTED to you. 
You will become like a magnet.
Simple enough, right? Kind of. 
I wish I had this course when starting out.
I wish I had someone to guide me 
I wish I had the right mentor from the start.
I wish I had spent less than hundreds of hours trying to figure out what worked and what not.
You have a choice here. 
Either go on by yourself and hopefully figure this out in 4-5 years of hard work, testing and mistakes. 
You could do that, or… 
You have the choice of not wasting time anymore.
You have the option of taking this course and allowing me to mentor you.
Come along, take the course, learn how to speak the language of attraction and stop being a door mat.
Click on Take This Course and I'll see you inside!
BTW, you get FREE access to all future updates and 30-day money back guaranteed by Udemy.
Seriously, what are you wating for?

What are the requirements?

  • Have a strong desire to learn to become more attractive to the woman you like (PS it's not about your looks)
  • Have a strong desire to improve your self-confidence by taking responsibility for it
  • Be willing to walk the path that transforms you into a better, purpose-driven man
  • Be willing to come out of your protective shell
  • Have an open mind and a nothing-left-to-lose attitude until you learn how to generate massive attraction

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Avoid the dreaded friend zone (nothing escapes the friend zone, not even light)
  • Make women want to be genuinely want to be around you more (by being authentic and congruent)
  • Spark women's attraction towards you
  • Make women genuinely interested in your authentic self
  • Communicate confidently with women, knowing you will get a positive reaction
  • Avoid or escape the friend zone

Who is the target audience?

  • You are a very intelligent man who wants to learn how to attract women and keep them interested in you
  • You either have few dates or no dates at all
  • You are in your mid 20's up to early 30's
  • Your dates usually lead you nowhere
  • You have low self confidence around the woman you secretly like
  • Women see you as friend-only material and they always teleport you to the dreaded friend-zone
  • You have no clue why women do not want you as a lover
  • You want to understand why the woman you like always choses the jerk instead of you
  • You think a woman feels attracted to you if you are extremely nice to her
  • Your dates end with a kiss on the cheek and a pat on the back, followed by "It's been so nice to meet you! Byeee"
  • You want to avoid or escape the friend zone

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