[#Udemy 100% Off] Develop your #Math Thinking Skills : Series 5


About This Course

 Published 2/2017  English

Course Description

This course Develop your Math Thinking Skills : Series 5 consists of a sequence of quizzes, each quiz consisting of 10 questions. Attempting these questions develops the mathematical thinking capabilities in everyone. This course brings an appreciation for the beauty involved in mathematical questions and thinking. This course removes the monotony 
involved in studying formally the mathematical curriculum. At the same time, this course creates interest in solving mathematical problems. This course will be useful to anyone who is interested in learning mathematics of any topic and help to excel in any chosen field of mathematics or any other subject which requires logical thinking skills.

What are the requirements?

  • Students should have an aptitude to learn mathematics and develop mathematical thinking skills
  • It is good to have basic mathematical knowledge but even if students don't have any prior knowledge of mathematics, this course will generate an interest in learning mathematics

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Improve problem solving skills
  • Learn to handle difficult questions on their own
  • Find approach to learn any mathematical topic
  • Solve real world problems involving logical thinking
  • Improve the speed and accuracy in problem solving

Who is the target audience?

  • Every student who is interested in developing mathematical thinking and problem solving skills
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