[#Udemy 100% Off] How to #Doodle: Basics and Lettering


About This Course

 Published 2/2017  English

Course Description

Doodles! A lot of doodles! What can be more coolly than doodles? Only the doodle letters! In this 30 min, very simple and fun class we will begin with the basic forms. Then we’ll create the first characters. Screaming, chattering, fallen in love, admiring, crazy and really really different! If only all of them could be located on your artboard! And at the end of a lesson, they will unite, and will show what are capable of, having turned into letters (and with your help maybe in words!).
Who knows what it will lead to!
And, of course, I will tell you everything that I only know about them, that the Doodle family grew and prospered!
All template files are included as a free download, and you are welcome to use the files however you want, or simply to follow along with the projects as we move through the lessons.

What are the requirements?

  • Have access to the Adobe Illustrator. I will be using a Mac, but you can just as easily follow along with a Windows machine since the principles will be the same and the apps work on either platform.
  • Some drawing skills are helpful but not required.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Understand the nuances of working with Adobe Illustrator
  • How to draw doodles without thinking about what shape the eyes should be or what kind of body to draw the next character?
  • How to draw letters or any other form, consisting entirely of Doodles
  • Learn some tricks how to draw doodles quickly
  • How to print your own design on T-Shirts, mugs, iPhone cases and etc.

Who is the target audience?

  • You're a designer and you need new ideas for graphics and print materials for your company
  • Anyone who wants to learn Illustrator, but don't know where to start
  • Ideally, you are someone who would consider yourself as “creative” and you often find yourself doodling on a notebook or napkin. You notice artwork around you, and when you see cool graphics on posters or in catalogs and brochures, you stop to admire them and wonder how they are made.
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