[#Udemy 100% Off] How To Solve A 3x3 #Rubiks Cube For Beginners Start To Finish


About This Course

 Published 3/2017  English

Course Description

Welcome To Our How To Solve A 3x3 Rubiks Cube For Beginners Course!
Within just 1.5 hours, you'll have all of the knowledge required to solve your own 3x3 Rubiks Cube from ANY random scrambled order.
This Course Starts From The Very Beginning Of How To Solve A Rubiks Cube For The First Time! Also, Included Is A .PDF Document Reference Guide That Shows You Step By Step Exactly How To Solve A Completely Randomly Scrambled Rubiks Cube!
In this course you will learn:
  • How To Solve A 3x3 Rubiks Cube
  • How To Distinguish Between The Sides Of A Rubiks Cube
  • The Patterns And Algorithms Involved
  • Ways To Breakdown The Patterns and Algorithms To Remember Them Easier
  • The Overall Step-By-Step Process In Completing A 3x3 Rubiks Cube
Your Instructor for this course is Will Bartlett. After spending several weeks learning how to solve a Rubiks Cube, he developed ways to remember the algorithms by breaking down each one into smaller patterns; in this course your instructor will outline these patterns and teach you his methods, resulting in a fast tracked learning experience.
If you don't have a Rubiks Cube, you can still follow along by remembering the algorithms and various stages/patterns required to solve the Cube.
Thanks for checking this course out!

What are the requirements?

  • You should have a 3x3 Rubiks cube, but you don't need to know how to solve it. Take the course!
  • Patience and commitment to go through the entire course to learn how to solve the Rubiks cube

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Successfully solve a 3x3 Rubiks cube!
  • Understand the patterns and algorithms involved in solving a Rubiks cube!
  • Understand the process required to solve a Rubiks cube!

Who is the target audience?

  • The course is for anyone who wants to learn how to solve a Rubiks cube.
  • The course is for anyone who has never solved a Rubiks cube before.
  • This course is NOT for someone who already knows how to solve a rubiks cube. It's only for beginners

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