[#Udemy Free Course] Learn Applied #Statistics step by step from examples

What Will I Learn?
Have the ability to think and reason statistically for solving problems.
Increased interest and understanding of the subject through numerous examples demonstrated.
Improved logical thinking and problem solving skills
Ability to score well in any tests because of the improved skills in understanding and solving problems
Will be able to perform statistical computations with ease and interpret these results rightly for the problem under consideration.
Will be able to appreciate how statistics is used in diverse areas of life to help make decisions .
Makes the foundation for subjects like data sciences, data analytics, data quality , quality control and other subjects.
  • No prior knowledge of any subject is assumed - as subject deals from the basics of statistics.
  • An interest to learn statistics and its applications is required.
  • An interest in going through the illustrated problems will help in the student to understand the subject and apply it.
  • If the motto is Learning statistics and apply it to solve problems, this course will help.
This is an Applied Statistics course and seeks to teach the subject in an interesting way through numerous  examples and exercises and solutions to these exercises. This course contents are the following among others:
Discusses the nature of problems the statistics solves in our life and key role knowledge of  statistics plays in decision making 
Statistical populations
Frequency Distribution
Frequency Distribution of attributes and bar chart
Frequency distribution of variates and histogram
How to construct a frequency distribution of Variates
Determining number of classes- Sturge's rule
Determining  class width 
Determining class interval, Lower boundary , upper boundary, frequency
Population Parameters  population data
A parameter
The Aggregate
Mean,, Median, and Mode
The Arithmetic Mean
The Median
The Mode
Selecting the appropriate Average
Measures of Variation
The Range
The Average deviation
The standard deviation
Many examples and Exercises 
Solutions to the Exercise problems which is unique feature of this course.

Who is the target audience?
  • Any student who wants to develop understanding of statistics from fundamentals
  • Any student who wants to improve his problem solving skills in statistics in a step by step manner
  • This course is for every one who wants to understand statistics and apply the concepts to solve problems in his/her area of interest.
  • Any student who wants to improve analytical ability and thinking skills to solve problems in every domain of interest.
  • Any one who wants to lay a good foundation in the principles of statistics
  • Any one who wants to learn statics through examples in a fun and interesting way

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