[#Udemy 100% Off] Learn Floral #Painting


About This Course

 Published 1/2017  English

Course Description

This course on Floral Painting is for those who want to learn painting and have an interest for arts. In this course, you will learn to paint different kinds of flowers from the beginning to the end i.e. starting from drawing the flowers outline to painting the entire picture. We have covered the drawing and painting principles using gentle strokes and shades of the colors. We will keep adding additional painting lectures each week by which you will benefit! :) By following through each lecture, you will be able to start from drawing the picture, paint the flowers and leaves with gentle strokes, and make the painting into a beautiful scenery. Get your paints, brushes and palette ready! We are here to guide you through your painting journey! 

What are the requirements?

  • It would be great if students have a little experience or knowledge about painting.
  • Even if students no knowledge at all about painting, they can learn from this course.
  • Students should have acrylic paints or fabric paints ready along with white papers and paintbrushes for painting.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Learn about floral painting.
  • Understand concepts for drawing flowers, stems and leaves using paints.
  • Create an entire painting within short amount of time.
  • Learn how to make the painting look beautiful and scenic.
  • Master shading by mixing different colors, and learn brushstrokes.

Who is the target audience?

  • This course is for students who want to learn basics of painting easily and go to advanced levels.
  • Anyone who has a passion for arts and painting.

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