[#Udemy 93% Off (Bestselling)] Become a Game Maker with #GameMaker Studio 1.4

What Will I Learn?
Build a polished and fun platform game using GameMaker Studio.
Import image, sound, and background assets into GameMaker Studio.
Program using GameMaker Studio's built in scripting language GML (GameMaker Language).
Create game objects and control them using Events and Actions.
Design game levels using Rooms.
Control the game View.
Program basic artificial intelligence for the enemies in the game.
Create a state system to organize code and better control the Player Object and the Enemy Objects.
Create a start menu and highscore screen.
Create a final boss.
  • This course doesn't require any previous programming experience.
  • This course does require a love for games and a strong desire to learn how they are created.
This course teaches students how to build a polished platform game in GameMaker Studio 1.4. Students will learn to program in GameMaker Studio's scripting language, GameMaker Language (GML).
If you are interested in game development, programming, level design, platform games, GameMaker, or indie game creation, this is the course for you.
It will take roughly 10 hours to complete this course.
The course is structured in a way that introduces the different concepts of GameMaker Studio one at a time. All of the lectures are video lectures except the very first lecture which contains a download link for the resources you will need in this course.
This course will build and strengthen your programming and game development skills. By the end of this course, you will be ready to tackle a variety of different video game projects using GameMaker Studio.
Because this course is for beginners, many people have asked me if it is good for children. I would recommend this course for children if they are at least 14 years old or if they already have experience in programming and enjoy math.
You must have a Windows operating system in order to take this course.
Become a game maker today.
Who is the target audience?
  • This game development course is meant for new or aspiring game developers.
  • This course is probably not for you if you are an expert GameMaker Studio user.
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