About This Course
Published 2/2016 English
Course Description
Permaculture Made Simple provides the basics of permaculture, the study and practice of sustainable living. In this self-paced online course, students will gain a basic understanding of permaculture principles and practices and learn how to create a permaculture design for a real piece of land.
Learn permaculture design strategies from real life examples from permaculture projects around the world.
You’ll learn the basics of:
- Filtering water
- Building with earth
- Soil, compost and mulching
- Raising fish, insects and animals
- Simple machines
- And much more
In over 20 white-board animated videos, you will receive over 4 hours of content about each area of focus. This course is just the goods.
Learn how to live off the land with strategies of permaculture design
Come to the course with a piece of land in mind or work with a group. By the end of the course, you will have a firm grasp of the basics.
Who is the target audience for this course?
This course is for people who are interested in learning the basics of sustainable living and who may not have time to attend an in-person course.This course is for people ages 10 and up.
Does the Permaville Course count as a Permaculture Design Course certificate?
This course meets the basic requirements for a Permaculture Design Certificate. In-person permaculture design courses are highly recommended for hands-on experience and group discussions. There is no substitution for in-person learning environments.
Do I need any previous experience or qualifications?
- A desire to learn
- The course is in English
- No other experience is required
A syllabus lists the subjects in a particular course of study. The syllabus for Permaculture Made Simple: Basics of Sustainable Living are:
Design process
- Permaculture design process
- Permaville project design
- Site map basics
- Story of permaculture
- Definitions of permaculture
- Agro, industrial, digital
- Triangle social structures
- Cloud communication
Principles and Ethics
- Fundamental principles of a permaculture site
- Permaculture ethics – people care, earth care and fair share
Holmgren’s principles
- David Holmgren’s 12 design strategies
Zones and sectors
- Permaculture zones
- Natural order of the land
- Natural sectors
Patterns in nature
- Pattern in nature
- Phi proportion
- Using patterns in nature
Climates and microclimates
- Climate
- Microclimates
- Climate zones
Urban design
- Types of living settlements
- Urban design strategies
Areas of permaculture
- What are earthworks
- Types of levels
- Earthworks elements - Swales, Bunds, Terraces
- Methods for lining ponds
- About bentonite clay liners
Paths and access
- Footpaths – Types and specs
- Path drainage and erosion control techniques
- Types of fencing
Natural building
- Building with earth
- Making mortar mix, adobe bricks
- Natural plastering, sealants and paints
- Building with cob, earthbags, rammed earth, bamboo, strawbale
- Properties of water and hydrological cycle
- Water sources, storage and filtration
- Water heating and conservation strategies
- Greywater systems
- Community recycling strategies
- Types of composting toilets
- Bio-gas basics
- Soil food web
- Elements in the soil
- Building a compost pile
- Compost tea
- Mulching
- Indigenous and effective microorganisms
- Methods to grow mushrooms
- Bio-remediation
- Worm composting bins
- Potting soil
- Nursery design
- Plant propagation
- Choosing plants
- Seed saving
- Choosing garden space
- Types of gardens
- Garden techniques
- Tree planting methods
- Layers of a forest
- Forest succession
- Food forest design
- Pond design
- Stocking your pond with fish and plants
- Aquaponics basics
- Chinampas basics
Insects and animals
- Attracting beneficial insects
- Keeping pests away
- Animal care basics
- About added value
- Sustainable kitchen elements
- Fermentation basics
Appropriate technology
- Making charcoal
- Applying simple machines to everything
- Renewable energy basics
- Village economics
- Alternative economics
What are the requirements?
- It's helpful if you have a piece of land you want to focus on for your design, although it's not required
What am I going to get from this course?
- Perform sustainable site analysis for any size piece of land
- Learn about basic strategies to live from the land
Who is the target audience?
- People interested in learning strategies for living off the land
- People who are interested in an introductory course of permaculture design

About Mustapha
I am online instructor at Udemy. My passions are: Mobile and Web Development, Entrepreneurship and Management. You can read my full biography on My Udemy Page. Feel free to follow me social media to know more about me and the topics and courses I'm teaching.