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[#Udemy 100% Off] Conquer #Cravings 4 Christians | 7 Day Jumpstart Program

 Conquer #Cravings 4 Christians | 7 Day Jumpstart Program
What Will I Learn?
  • At the end of this course, you will have a crystal clear understanding of the physical, mental and emotional ramifications associated with craving junk food and bad carbs. You will have a stronger walk with God, a stronger mindset, and start to get rid of the bloated belly. You will have more energy, joy, and hopefully and uplifting experience of conquering your cravings with God as your leader! Also, You will have a Plan of Eating to guide you, a list of foods to avoid, a list of foods to include, a free shopping guide, inspiring "Food for Thought" in your handout and a FREE 3-day clean eating challenge to JUMPSTART your eating habits for weight loss.
  • You're going to need a new attitude of commitment to follow these steps in order to overcome cravings so you can start losing weight for better health.
  • You are going to need a pen and paper for notes and a bible for study time.
  • You are going to need a quiet area for prayer & worship by having time to listen to the voice of God.
  • You are going to need a printer so you can print the Homework & Bonus pdf's I have provided for you.
  • You are ALWAYS welcome to send me a private message here at this site if you have questions!
Free Christian weight loss program through daily prayer called *Conquer Cravings 4 Christians
Health/Wellness/Fitness Expert Renee Dumont is proud to offer you a well crafted cutting-edge, online Christian educational video series that will enhance your knowledge in a wide variety of topics of binge eating and weight loss. These topics explain the connection relating to mood, food, and faith that will empower you to CONQUER CRAVINGS. 
The courses currently available offer a wealth of information reflecting the broad array of everyday skills that will do away with depression and frustration so you will be well on your way to losing weight. You are sure to love Renee's upfront a personal approach to teaching everyday challenges we face with food, emotions, and relationships.
*Conquer Cravings 4 Christians is a course that bridges the gap between mood, food, and faith for people who struggle with food. Losing weight can be one of the hardest things you do because you are always craving foods you love, but it doesn't have to be. If you have been struggling with binge eating or controlling food portions then you may need healing. So, If you want to move forward to lose weight and end the roller coaster ride of weight gain or poor health issues associated with eating junk food then this course is for you!
Who is the target audience?
  • This course is for Christians who are battling with junk food and sugar addiction who really want to lose weight, reduce blood sugar and end the depression associated with binge eating.

This is the course description as seen on Udemy.
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