[#Udemy 100% Off] Dream-Building for Personal #Success & Breakthrough

What Will I Learn?
  • You'll learn to define your dreams more clearly
  • You'll understand the importance of dream-building
  • You'll know how to create a 5 year statement
  • You'll be able to develop a 'reason' statement
  • A desire to dream bigger and pursue your goals
  • A desire to experience more personal fulfillment and success
A Personal Growth course exploring the powerful role that Dreams and Vision play in our journey of Success and Fulfillment
It's time to dream again..!

It's time to discover what life has to offer..!

It's time to unlock your potential and live to the fullest..!
What will this course teach me?
Through inspirational teaching and workshops, we'll take a practical look at how dream-building and vision can unlock drive and creativity to propel you forward on your growth path.
The course will help you dare to dream again, to how to go about building powerful, magnetic dreams, and how to stay on track for life-changing results.
By the end of the course you'll appreciate the importance of having a dream, the role dreams and vision play in creating personal success, and much more.
Why Dream-Building?
If you're serious about living a bigger life, growing as a person, and experiencing more personal success, then it's essential to have develop your own vision and purpose.
Dream-building will help to bring focus and direction into your goal-setting and future-mapping.
  • The Importance of having Dreams
  • The power of having a Dream
  • The role of desires and passion
  • Giving yourself permission to Dream big
  • Inspiration for Dream-building
This hour-long course includes a FREE eBook and downloadable worksheets.

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who wants to dream bigger and reach new heights
  • Anyone wanting to experience more fulfillment and personal success

This is the course description as seen on Udemy.
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