[#Udemy 100% Off] #PPV Marketing A-Z: PPV Marketing Wizard

What Will I Learn?
  • You'll learn about Cost Per View Marketing, and how to sign up for a CPV network.
  • You'll also learn the basic framework for running a successful CPV campaign.
  • You'll learn how to find products to promote in your CPV campaigns.
  • We'll also cover the types of sites you can target in your campaigns and how to properly identify the right keywords and URLs to maximize your CPV conversions and profits.
  • You'll learn how to create a high converting landing page for your CPV campaigns.
  • You'll also learn how to run your campaigns and optimize them for stellar performance.
  • We'll also take a look at some cutting edge optimization software to take your campaigns to the next level.
  • General Working Knowledge Of Computer, Have Internet Access
  • There are no prerequisites for this course. I have included everything needed (except what's mentioned above). So no prior marketing knowledge is required. I've got you covered.
Welcome to PPV Marketing Wizard!  As a member you have full access to this crash course on how to create profitable media buying campaigns on PPV Networks.  
The PPV Marketing Wizard course consists of 3 modules:

  • Get Started With PPV Marketing - In this module you'll learn about Pay Per View Marketing and how to sign up for a PPV network.  You'll also learn the basic framework for running a successful PPV campaign.

  • Targeting Offers For Your Campaigns - In this module you'll learn how to find products to promote in your PPV campaigns.  We'll also cover the types of sites you can cover in your campaigns and how to properly identify the right keywords and URLs to maximize your PPV conversions and profits. 

  • Launching Your PPV Campaigns - In this module you'll learn how to create a high converting landing page for your PPV campaigns.  You'll also learn how to run and optimize them for stellar performance.  Finally, we'll take a look at some cutting edge optimization software to take your campaigns to the next level.

We've only included what we think are the most important factors in successfully running profitable CPV campaigns.  We hope you get a lot of value from this course and as always we'd love to hear your feedback! 

To Your Success,
Barry North
Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who is interested in making money with PPV Marketing.

This is the course description as seen on Udemy.
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