[#Udemy 100% Off] ✔️ Microsoft #Excel 2016 : Concise Masterclass in Excel 2016

 Microsoft #Excel 2016 : Concise Masterclass in Excel 2016
What Will I Learn?
  • Work with Microsoft Excel like a professional
  • Easily perform simple and advanced mathematical calculations inside Microsoft Excel .
  • Create and work with Pivot Tables inside Microsoft Excel .
  • Sort , filter and arrange data inside Microsoft Excel .
  • Perform financial calculations inside Microsoft Excel .
  • Perform Data Analysis inside Microsoft Excel .
  • Link a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with a Word Document , and generate reports this way .
  • Work with Comma Separated Value files inside Microsoft Excel .
  • Encrypt and Password Protected a Microsoft Excel document .
  • Record and use Macros inside Microsoft Excel .
  • Gather data from external sources for Microsoft Excel documents .
  • Use the VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP functions for exact matches and approximate matches inside Microsoft Excel .
  • Calculate PMT , PPMT and IPMT inside Microsoft Excel .
  • So much more to come. I will make this the best Microsoft Excel course on the Interne.
  • The course was created with Microsoft Excel 2016. You can use Excel 2007,2010, 2013 or 2016. Most of the tools will work even with the 2007 version
  • A good grasp of basic computing tools will help, in addition to having a Microsoft Excel installation
  • A Microsoft Excel installation.
  • This course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn Microsoft Excel regardless of their purpose.
  • Even if you are a school student and have no apparent use of Microsoft Excel, simply enroll. It will help you a lot in the future.
Microsoft Excel is probably one of the most widely used softwares in the world. And rightly so. Microsoft Excel is so versatile that it can be used in practically any area. From simply counting numbers to calculating astronomical data, to put satellites in the orbit. I'm not kidding. I worked as a structural engineer and we used Microsoft Excel in many calculations including analysis of framed structures. 
This Microsoft Excel is a comprehensive course that teaches you all the general aspects of Microsoft Excel and some areas in particular. Here is a list of areas that we will cover in this Microsoft Excel course. 
  1. Microsoft Excel worksheets, menus, and formulas. 
  2. The different ribbon options inside Microsoft Excel .
  3. The different formatting options inside Microsoft Excel , including conditional formatting and more.
  4. Basic and advanced mathematical operations inside Microsoft Excel .
  5. Data analysis and Financial Calculations inside Microsoft Excel . 
  6. Logical Functions and Looking up Data inside Microsoft Excel , using VLOOKUP and conditional statements.
  7. Pivot Tables inside Microsoft Excel . Gathering data and freeze panes inside Microsoft Excel .
  8. Using Macros inside Microsoft Excel .
  9. Data Validation and Linking inside Microsoft Excel
  10. Printing a document and exporting documents to different formats inside Microsoft Excel
These are some of the areas that we will look at inside this Microsoft Excel course. I will keep on adding more lectures and quizzes to this course, every weekYou will have lifetime access to the course, and won't have to pay extra to access the updated Microsoft Excel lectures. I have provided several sample lectures, so that you can Try it Before you Buy it !

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who wants to learn Microsoft Excel. The tools are explained in great detail.
  • People who already know Microsoft Excel, but want to improve their skills and master Microsoft Excel
  • This Microsoft Excel course will take you from a Beginner level to an Advanced Level. We will cover everything in between. It is suitable for everyone.
  • If you work in an office, in accounting, finance or any kind of business operation, you should take this course.

This is the course description as seen on Udemy.
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