Starting your success with a good idea


Idea generation is a vague yet crucial part of an innovation process. It involves not only the flow of waves of creativity, analysis, and push-through; but also requires such procession to be carried out with proper positioning and agility.

The course How To Start Your Journey With A Good Idea provides a deep-dive around different idea generation steps and methods, which will help you discover, develop, and drive new ideas.

So if you are looking for an idea, you really need to master the process of idea generation if you truly want to find an idea that is realistic to achieve and a perfect fit for your needs. The best practice of generating an idea may be to create a solution for something that annoys you in life, or to  to solve a problem that you face every day.

Think out of the box and find an idea that you can execute excellently. The course introduces the following 5 key steps for your reference and will guide you through the important process aiming for not just an one-time exercise but continuous idea and business development:

· Find your need and niche

· Target Grouping

· Agile Thinking

· Improve your idea

· Get ready for your idea/project pitching

Who this course is for:

  • Entrepreneur, business accelerator, business incubator, start-ups, innovation lover, and anyone who plans to start a business
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